I can't sleep.
I am waiting up for Qamah for no good reason.
I wonder why does some things befall on me.
What did I ever do to deserve it.
Last night I dreamt I resigned from my job.
I believed I subconsciously wanna really move on from this mundane lifestyle.
I need a new job and some sleep.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
The vulnerability of a human being.
I was dumbfounded, of course.
To be told the news, I broke down immediately. Sobbing away while at work.
The very uncle, the very one I called "Abah" passed away at a Hospital.
I am grateful to the colleagues for understanding. For the comforting words, the encouragement, the hugs.
Then I had to face my dad.
My dad was my uncle's bestfriend and when I got home, my dad was already asleep.
But I knew he was having trouble sleeping.
With the occasional sounds of his bed creaking. He must have been tossing and turning.
We went to visit my cousins and today was the very first time I saw my dad's vulnerability.
He lets down his guard. He cried while talking to the cousins about my late uncle's health and past history and I never seen my dad cried ever.
I cant even bring myself to comfort him cuz i was already tearing.
So I left the living room and stood in the toilet for the longest time.
My cousin told us that the day my mom, aunt and uncle were supposed to fly off, my uncle cried four times.
He told my cousin that he was afraid he would not come back in "one piece".
He complaint to my dad he was having chest pains.
I guessed he must have seen it coming.
But for now, Im hoping for a safe trip home for my mom and aunt.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
my resolution
Yum yum.
My mom is Haji-ing.
A month of dull.
And food-less.
And dirty undies.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
Marry the christmas please.
I've been going over to my aunt's w/o fail on Xmas eve till we suddenly stopped going when I turned 14.
I remembered getting lotsa Barbies when I was 9, 10, 11, 12.
Then I received a BILLABONG wallet when I turned 13..
I've just arrived home (aproximately 410 hours) to find a present on my bed.
I have to blog that,
I am turning 19 in four months time,
And this year,
I received EMILY the STRANGE wallet.
Good night all.
Have a jolly good year.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
In the long run.
Thanks making me looked forward to talking to you on the phone and getting your voicemail.
And yes, i even go around asking for opinions what does it means when your BF decided to go MIA on you after telling you that he is going somewhere with some people.
How kental can that be.
Not even text-ing you like he usually do.
Then I got an answered after the ten thousanth call at 10 in the morning( after calling since 3 in the morning) saying YOU FUCKING FORGOT TO MESSAGE ME.
I was supposed to be born yesterday right.
I was supposed to believe you, yes?
Thanks for the EXCUSE and I hope me off-ing my phone will do you good.
And you being smart, calling my house wont do either cause my dad will just tell u im not home.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
The little bit of something has left.
I'm gonna bask in my long deserved break from work.
After not working for eons and to be smacked with a 5-days shifts straight, its hell.
I'm back from Concourse where I was doing closing and before that, was working at Bugis.
Oh Boy!
The pugnacious me had left. I guess its better to just "leave it".
To give it a rest.
It was such an old issue,wasnt it?
Sometimes I sweared too much or being too much of a motormouth.
But I'm learning to apologise and show my feelings well.
Me and my boyfriend, we nearly end it.
But 19 months isnt 19 days.
Then I got a note from close someone,
"Life isn't perfect.
If it is, you wouldn't learn from anything.
You wouldn't know your mistakes
And it will be boring.
I hope you're fine.
Love you always."
Well, I know I'll love tomorrow.
Cause tomorrow is always a better day.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
Zoukout pictures part I

check the indian guy.
my BF's friend called him coconut tree.
Don't ask why.

Visuals visuals.

thats very gay hunney.

The gig.

At 6 in the morning.
oily ,smiling faces.
Gearing for some more.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
Zoukout pics part I


Sya and BF and Khai Romano.

With sand in my toes.
Im happy.

Boyfriend and his friends from school.
Boys, Boys, Boys
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
My love.
(zoukout 9.12.06)
Oh, Oh maybe, we were made
We were made for each other
Ahh, is it possible for the
World to look this way forever?
Happy 19th month baby.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
Well, I hope I can continue revising though.
Suspect kuat, tak continue ahh.
I tried partying till sunrise but damn, the legs were gonna give way any moment.
Left about 6am with the BF and friend.
Was cursing all the way home on the bike for forgetting to bring a sweater.
Fucking cold in the morn.I SWEAR TO GOD.
Met up with the GFs and Khai at 7pm yst and headed to Siloso.It was pretty obvious we were heading for Zoukout. Dressed awesomely down eyy.
We had to enter before 9pm but the crowd wasnt that bad for that time.
It was one hell of a long walk from one arena to the next. I think the cause for the tireness wasnt from all those dancing but the journey to and fro one arena to the next.
DJs were awesome. Company was the best of best.
With the besties on one side and the BF and co on the other.
Not forgetting those who tried to get lucky.
Not forgetting getting grabbed by the ass by some AngMoh dude.
ahh yes, I love the podium.=)
It was fucking high and you'll feel like falling especially if you're dancing the edge and have an indian guy coming up and telling you that
"oooh, u dance very nice!"(insert head-bobbing action and accent)
There, I told ya, ZOUKOUT was the bomb. Didn't I?
Next up, MIDSEMS TEST. the horror!
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
Everything I love about Bugis!
And I came at 5pm on the dot.
My lovely partners had already set up a table by the bar for me to put whipped cream on drinks.
Maha sakit pingang betol.
600 drinks in two hours.
It was all smiles from the partners.
Something I've missed for quite sometimes as I've not been working.
I missed the 7 and the half Bs.
Ouh yes, my 7 and the half bitches of the SB-BG.
I wonder why do we get so bitchy at store sometimes.
Bitchy towards each other and the new partners especially.
Ironically, all of us are learning coaches/coffee master/soon-to-be coffee master.
the stern and no-nonsence barista.I've always known her as the pretty but bitchy partner.
But I love her eversince.
the bestie. maha sayang.
3.Sya Baby,
you guys wouldnt wanna know how she get the name. Pretty bimbotic this one.
But she cracks me up all the time =)
my dearest shift manager. my sexy mama.
my open-straight-up-in-your-face darling.
I miss her and shes in cathay now.
5.Howie Gee
Dont ask about this name either.the loud hailer. her words are as sharp as knives but she meant well. almost forgot, my neighbour!
the sixth person is yours truly and the half is none other than Azzie.
Hes the half cuz hes a he.
Alah, rindu nyer starbucks.
Next week, back to coaching the newbies and bitching!
for now, gotta mug for the tests cuz I wouldn't wanna be in year 4.1 right?
But If i were to repeat a module, I'll rather be taking a "Diploma in Clubbing and Partying" as I'll do well in in eyy.I know I'll do well in it as well as the diploma I'm pursuing.
U think so.
I think so.
so go mug.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
the shutdown.
Midsem tests are next week and guess what's the 1st paper?!
Best gilerrrrrrrrr.
First paper is Advertising and Promotion.
I know, it sound somewhat interesting.
Check out the textbook.
Better still.
779 pages worth of micro mini words.
Its like reading the dictionary continously for 3 times.
I'm gonna mug like nobody's business tonight.
Slaughtering myself seems to be the best solution if I were to repeat this bone dry module.
Ouh, look at the time.
Its already past two and I'll have to get ready for school in like 4 hours time.
alah, chao chibai betol.
Anyways, drop by any Starbucks outlet if you guys want drinks on the house from 5pm to 7pm.
Bring some coins for the salvation army too ya.
Off to the books!
Cya at BUGIS later at 5pm
much love.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
I love.
I've been repressing the depression that it has eaten up into me.
It has taken a toll on my health.
Now, I left with a feverish mind, body and soul.
My health is proof of what I've been battling.
Bitchings, hypocrisy.
For once, leave me alone while I dwell on my sad pathetic life story.
I am paddling my own canoe.
Did I ever needed help?
Did I ever get help?
Did I ever asked for help?
That my friend, Is the very question that is buring my brains at this moment.
Those who are gone, are gone.
I believe it is not worth my time chasing after dreams.
There is no point mending broken bridges,
So I'll go.
Nice GIRLS finish last, I'd say.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
my sweetest invention
Getting drunk in my boyfriend's arms.
Crying for no good reasons.
Enjoying our music.
Throwing up twice in one night.
And seeing the lovable duo,Wany and Diy.
We argued but we kiss and
I love you nonetheless.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love
double whammy
The Mom went ahead without us to my aunt's for the kenduri later in the evening
(And I found out she decided to bring along our rice cooker.)
The Dad and Bro went to work so I decided to rejuvenate my inner soul by doing household chores.
Urm, really.
Before going over to the aunt's I think I can manage to squeeze in a bit of self study here and there eyy.
I bet you poly-ians have already start mugging on those mid-sems next week.
While Naq and I managed to party the night before at Dbl O.
I call this "love nye pasal" eh Naq.
Yesterday had that culture and expression lecture and headed over to Cine to catch Happy Feet with the Boyfriend. =)
Waited for Naq and Diy to arrive at Somerset all alone(nyahah!) cuz the BF had to leave early to siap and stuff for his MOS fun.
Guestlist eh.
Aku tak dapat masok pasal aku arrive after 11pm and taxi semua macam bapak dorang nya puki.
Its okay,right Hun?
Tomorrow's MOS with my boyfriend
(*Sings down to ride til' the very end its me and my boyfriend)
SO the club was alright.
The sound was on a boring side.
I swear I was sitting down almost 1/2 the time and some guys just thought they can get lucky.
Bacardi Breezer at 4 bucks.
Met my boytoy after he was done with MOS around 3plus plus and headed home.
Weary and light headed.
Today, I have kenduri DOA SELAMAT.
Yesterday I had Baron.
; you're the ghost of royalty imposing love